You can’t have a memoir about radio without including some audio clips. Here are some that stand out from nearly 47 years behind the mic.

Let’s start with the most embarrassing. This is one of my first-ever shows, at age 16 - and sounding like it. Totally cringe-worthy.

Sometimes phone calls just take on a life of their own. Like this classic exchange with Lynn and her nose polyps.

About ten days after 9-11, we were finally able to laugh again. It all came gushing out with this memorable Mindbender.

In 1995, I worked with Jo Myers, Nancy Richards, and LA. Here’s what one of those shows sounded like. Good times!

In the early 2000s, I shared a story with Jane and Chuck about rodent tossing. Who knew it would get this crazy?

Here’s a quick compilation of The Dom and Jeremy Show from 2023.

Changing pantyhose is one thing. Doing it in rush-hour traffic is another. And boy, did we get a visual.

I’m in radio mostly because of The Beatles. On the 50th anniversary of their Sgt. Pepper’s album, I shared a story about it - and a huge surprise from my dad.

We do something called a Trending Report - and sometimes we lose control.

Just for fun, here’s a typical show (in 1976) from the station that inspired me to get into radio: KNUS in Dallas. Huge thanks to Randy Brown/Christopher Haze for sharing one of his shows with me and allowing me to share it with you.